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Observability and Monitoring in Mobile Software Engineering: Insights from a Seasoned Engineer

By Eslam Mostafa, Senior Mobile Developer


As a mobile engineer, I’ve seen firsthand how the landscape of software engineering has evolved. One thing that remains constant is the critical importance of observability and monitoring. In an era where users expect flawless performance and immediate responses, having a robust system to track and understand what’s happening under the hood of our applications is not just a luxury — it’s a necessity. In this article, I aim to share insights on how observability and monitoring can transform your mobile development process, ensuring that your apps are reliable, efficient, and user-friendly.

The Importance of Observability and Monitoring in Mobile Apps

User Experience: The Ultimate Benchmark

In mobile app development, the user experience is king. An app may have the most sophisticated backend and cutting-edge features, but users will abandon it if it doesn’t perform smoothly. Observability allows us to dig deep into the app’s inner workings, identifying bottlenecks and potential issues before they escalate. For instance, tracking response times and analyzing crash reports helps us pinpoint exactly where and why a user might experience a hiccup, allowing for quicker resolution and improved user satisfaction.

Performance Optimization: Beyond the Basics

For mobile engineers, performance optimization is a constant battle. Mobile devices have limited resources, and our apps must run efficiently on a wide range of hardware. By leveraging observability, we can monitor CPU usage, memory consumption, and network latency in real-time. This isn’t just about fixing bugs; it’s about understanding how our apps behave in the wild and making data-driven decisions to optimize them. For example, optimizing background tasks can lead to significant improvements in battery life, enhancing the overall user experience.

Business Impact: The Invisible Hand

Let’s not forget the business side of things. Every technical decision we make can have a ripple effect on key business metrics like user retention, revenue, and brand reputation. Effective monitoring and observability enable us to track these metrics closely, ensuring that the app meets both user expectations and business goals. For instance, monitoring the success rate of in-app purchases can provide valuable insights into the user journey, helping us optimize the funnel and increase conversion rates.

Key Components of Observability in Mobile Apps

Metrics: The Pulse of Your App

Metrics are the lifeblood of observability. They provide quantitative data that helps us understand the performance and health of our applications. In the mobile realm, essential metrics include response times, error rates, session duration, and crash rates. For example, a spike in error rates after a new release can indicate issues that need immediate attention. Tracking these metrics over time allows us to identify trends and make informed decisions.

Logs: The Forensic Data

Logs serve as the forensic data of our applications. They offer a detailed account of events, actions, and system states, making them invaluable for debugging and troubleshooting. In mobile apps, logs can capture everything from user actions to system errors. One best practice I’ve found helpful is categorizing logs based on their severity and purpose — such as errors, warnings, and informational messages. This categorization makes it easier to sift through logs when diagnosing issues.

Traces: The Map of Your App’s Journey

Traces are particularly useful in complex architectures, such as microservices, where understanding the flow of a request through various services is crucial. Tracing helps us visualize this journey, identifying where delays or failures occur. For mobile apps, this can mean tracing API requests from the client to the backend and back, allowing us to pinpoint where latency issues arise and optimize accordingly.

Setting Up Observability and Monitoring: A Step-by-Step Guide

Choosing the Right Tools: The Engineer’s Toolbox

Selecting the right tools is critical for effective observability and monitoring. Tools like Dynatrace, Firebase Crashlytics, and New Relic are popular choices among mobile developers. Each offers a range of features, from real-time monitoring to detailed crash analytics. For instance, Firebase Crashlytics provides easy integration with Android and iOS apps, offering real-time crash reports and stack traces that are crucial for quick debugging.

Implementation: From Zero to Monitoring Hero

Integrating monitoring tools into your mobile app typically involves adding SDKs and configuring settings. For example, integrating Dynatrace might require setting up custom instrumentation to capture specific metrics or events. Once the integration is complete, setting up dashboards and alerts is the next step. These tools can provide a visual representation of your app’s health, making it easier to spot issues at a glance.

Custom Events and Metrics: Tailoring Your Observability

While standard metrics are useful, custom events and metrics provide a more tailored view of your app’s performance. For example, if you’re working on an e-commerce app, tracking the time it takes for a user to complete a purchase can provide valuable insights into the checkout flow. Implementing these custom metrics often involves instrumenting your code to log specific events and then analyzing this data to identify trends and areas for improvement.

Case Study: Payment Tracking Dashboard in Kitopi App

Background: The Challenge

At Kitopi, we faced the challenge of ensuring a seamless payment experience for our users. Given the complexity of handling multiple payment methods and the user's ability to pay part of the payment using reward points and ensuring transactions go through smoothly, we needed a robust monitoring solution. We implemented a payment tracking dashboard using Dynatrace to track every step of the payment process, from initiation to completion.

Implementation Details: The Solution

To address these challenges, we implemented a comprehensive payment tracking dashboard using Dynatrace. The dashboard was designed to monitor and analyze key stages of the payment process, capturing critical events and metrics to give us a clear view of how users interact with the payment system.

Impact and Results: The Outcome

The implementation of the payment tracking dashboard had a significant impact on our ability to monitor and optimize the payment experience. Here are some key outcomes:

  1. Reduction in Payment Failures:

    By utilizing the dashboard, we were able to identify several critical issues that were causing payment failures. After implementing the necessary fixes, we observed a substantial reduction in these failures.

  2. Quantitative Results:

    Before implementing the dashboard, the order cancellation rate due to payment failures was approximately 13%. Following the fixes and optimizations, this rate dropped significantly to as low as 4.2%, with an average settling around 5.5%. This improvement not only reduced the friction in the user journey but also positively impacted our conversion rates and overall revenue.

  3. Enhanced User Experience:

    The dashboard allowed us to track not just failures but also successful transactions, giving us a comprehensive view of user interactions with the payment system. By monitoring metrics such as the average time to complete a payment, we identified opportunities to streamline the checkout process.

  4. Business Impact:

    The enhancements led to a notable increase in successful transactions, directly contributing to revenue growth. The reduction in payment failures also improved user retention, as fewer users encountered issues during checkout. This positive impact on user experience and business metrics underscored the value of a robust observability and monitoring strategy.

  5. Detailed Insights and Analytics:

    The detailed breakdown of payment failures by method revealed that credit card transactions had a failure rate of 6%, while ApplePay and GooglePay had failure rates of 3% and 2%, respectively. These insights allowed us to prioritize improvements and work closely with payment providers to address specific issues.

Best Practices for Effective Observability and Monitoring

Regular Audits and Reviews: The Ongoing Commitment

Observability isn’t a “set it and forget it” task. Regular audits and reviews are essential to ensure that your monitoring setup remains relevant and effective. This involves checking that all critical metrics are being tracked and that alerts are still appropriately configured. For example, as your app evolves, new features may introduce new areas that need monitoring.

Actionable Alerts: Avoiding the Boy Who Cried Wolf

Alerts are only useful if they’re actionable. Too many false positives can lead to alert fatigue, causing critical alerts to be ignored. It’s crucial to set thresholds that reflect genuine issues and require immediate attention. For example, setting an alert for a sudden increase in error rates is more actionable than setting one for every minor error.

Collaboration Between Teams: The Glue That Holds It Together

Effective observability requires collaboration between different teams, including development, QA, and operations. Regular sync-ups and shared dashboards can help align these teams on key metrics and objectives. For instance, a shared dashboard can provide a single source of truth, helping all teams understand the current state of the app and what needs attention.

Challenges and Solutions in Implementing Observability for Mobile Apps

Data Privacy and Security: The Tightrope Walk

In the age of GDPR and other data protection regulations, handling user data responsibly is more important than ever. Ensuring that your logs and metrics do not contain sensitive information is crucial. Techniques like data masking and encryption can help protect user privacy while still providing valuable insights.

Performance Overhead: The Balancing Act

Monitoring tools can sometimes introduce performance overhead, affecting the user experience. It’s essential to strike a balance between the level of detail in your observability setup and the app’s performance. For example, selectively logging only critical events can reduce the volume of data collected and minimize the impact on performance.

Scaling Observability Solutions: The Growing Pains

As your app scales, the complexity of monitoring also increases. Ensuring that your observability solutions can handle this growth is crucial. This might involve optimizing data storage, using more sophisticated analytics tools, or even adopting a microservices architecture for better scalability.

Future Trends in Observability and Monitoring for Mobile Apps

AI and Machine Learning: The Next Frontier

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are increasingly being integrated into observability tools, offering capabilities like predictive analytics and automated root cause analysis. These technologies can help identify issues before they become critical, providing a proactive approach to monitoring.

Enhanced User-Centric Monitoring: The Focus Shift

The future of observability is becoming increasingly user-centric. Tools that offer session replays, heatmaps, and user feedback integration provide a more comprehensive view of the user experience. This shift allows developers to understand not just what went wrong, but how it affected the user, providing a more holistic view of app performance.


Observability and monitoring are not just buzzwords; they are foundational practices that ensure the reliability and success of mobile applications. As mobile engineers, our goal is to deliver seamless, high-quality experiences to users, and a robust observability setup is essential in achieving this. From setting up the right tools and tracking custom metrics to addressing challenges and embracing future trends, the journey to effective observability is continuous but rewarding. By staying ahead of the curve, we can ensure that our apps not only meet but exceed user expectations.


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