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Drivers Appreciation Week: Honoring Our Unsung Heroes

Kitopi Drivers Appreciation Week
Kitopi Drivers Appreciation Week

At Kitopi, everything we do revolves around the mission to satisfy the world’s appetite. Yet, we know that without one of our most important partners in the ecosystem- delivery drivers, our mission can never be accomplished.

From delivering orders on time to being a friendly face to customers, delivery drivers play an indispensable role in helping food brands deliver their customer promise. As a food brand’s most direct point of contact with customers, delivery drivers are truly the unsung heroes of the food delivery ecosystem.

Therefore, at Kitopi, drivers’ well-being always takes center stage. From ensuring the best infrastructure for delivery drivers to ensuring the best treatment and respect towards drivers, the commitment towards drivers’ well-being is a constant priority.

At the back of a successful internal training on Compassionate Management last year- designed to ensure drivers are treated with empathy, respect and care, we launched a Driver’s Appreciation Week during the festive period in December to honor our drivers and remind ourselves of the integral role they play in enabling the food delivery ecosystem.

Across a week, our kitchens across the UAE were decorated with appreciation booths, complete with selfie frames and messages of thanks and inspiration for our drivers. All drivers who visited our kitchen during this period were also gifted with a goodie bag as a token of our gratitude and appreciation with a total of 5000 goodie bags distributed to happy drivers across the week.

The surprise and joy we see in drivers, first when they walked into the kitchen to see the appreciation booth, and later when they were given the goodie bags- was unparalleled,

said Wariam Saini, Kitopi’s Director of Logistics, who ran the appreciation initiative.

Our drivers are the ones making our mission a reality every day, and their incredible hard work and contribution can easily go unnoticed. At Kitopi, we are committed to making sure this is not the case- that drivers are appreciated and celebrated as deserved. What we’ve done is just a small start, and we’re sure to make this part of Kitopi’s culture, not just in the UAE, but in our markets globally.



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